Monday, December 5, 2011

Toys For Tots

I have had an obsession with motorcycles since I was little. This is no surprise since I am a gigantic adrenaline junkie. So when I had the chance this weekend, to experience something truly amazing I could not pass it up. My boyfriend and I went to the Chicagoland  Toys for Tots Motorcycle Parade. We put lights on his 600CC FZ6, and tied Santa hats to our helmets. With toys packed into a backpack that was strapped on my back we made the ride down Western.

As we began our journey there was no shortage of people waving and cheering us on. It was truly amazing and was not something that I had expected. What really touched my heart was the children. Kids of all ages all wrapped up in winter coats, scarves, and gloves, smiling ear to ear and waving like it was Christmas for them. I wasn't driving so I had the opportunity to wave at every child that I passed. It was awesome to see their excitement as they turned to their parents and said: "Mommy she waved at me!!" 

It is amazing how something so simple can completely change a child's day. I was doing something that day that I would have done anyways. This was an amazing cause and I fully support the idea that every child should get something for Christmas.

The best part of the entire ride was towards the end. We were stopped about a mile away on a hill getting close to the toy drop-off zone. A little girl was holding a box of "Cooties" and smiling. As her mom nudged her forward, telling her that it was safe and she could go ahead she slowly walked into the street. She shyly walked up to the man two bikes in front of us with a gigantic smile on her face. She handed the man the game then ran back to her mom. "I did it, mommy!!" The little girl said as she embraced her mother. Seeing how happy the girl was that she could be a part of the event gave me hope. Children can make a difference and there is hope for the future. 

The problem is not that children don't want to help. The problem is that most parents won't let their children help. Motorcycles are dangerous and they do no good. While motorcycles are dangerous with the proper gear and a specific cause they can do great good. 

I love the feeling of being on the back of the bike. It's so much fun and nothing can top the feeling that I got this weekend.